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Science - Pedagogics:

Einstein, A., Infeld L. The Evolution of Ideas in Physics. Korontzis, 1998 (Athens, Greece).
Heisenberg W., Northrop F. S. C. Physics and Philosophy. Prometheus Books, 1999.
James, Sir Jeans. Physics and Philosophy. Dover Publications, 1981.
Feynman, R. The Character of Physical Law. Modern Library, 1994.
Loose, J. A historical introduction to the Philosophys of Science. Oxford University Press, 1980.
Parker, S. Nuclear and Particle Physics Book, McGraw-Hill, 1987.
McCormack, C., Jones, D. Building a Web-Based Education System. Wiley, 1998.
Christides, T. Chaos and spaculative casualty. Vanias, 1997 (Thessaloniki, Greece).
Chlichlia, E., Tsoukalas, I. Electromagnetism, Zitis, 1994 (Thessaloniki, Greece).
Spiridelis, I. Optics, Zitis, 1991 (Thessaloniki, Greece).


Lemay, L., Cadenhead, R. Java 2. Sams, 1997
Franklin, D., Makar, J.Flash MX ActionScripting, Advanced. Macromedia Press, 2002
Moock, C. Actionscript, the definite guide, O'Reilly, 2001.

Websites and CD-ROMS:

Molecular Expressions
Britannica Encyclopaedia 2002
Britannica Encyclopaedia 2002